When I was summarizing the five looks from my pal Prasad Ramamurthy, I was amazed and happy at the same time realizing how one can stay true to one's personality and yet display an array of vivid and distinct colors. From casual tee and shorts to a tuxedo look, from an ethnic take to a period and cultural statement look, Prasad owns all the looks and totally works it. A lot of time we tie ourselves down to a very set pattern of wearing clothes that we have identified for ourselves as our style. However this might soon become boring and predictable. When you keep experimenting and trying out new things, all keeping with your personal taste and choices, fashion becomes FUN.
I have said earlier we have different shades to our personality and its so important to recognize that.
The year is coming to an end and I suggest you make this one of your new year resolutions to keep for life......
Keep Flirting with Fashion and let it flirt back!

Prasad Ramamurthy
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