Thursday 17 July 2014

Five days Five Looks one Pal - Summary Parfum Dellic

Thursday 17 July 2014

It was immense pleasure to spend time with and capture the various moods of Parfum Dellic. I realized what an instinctive designer and a great clothes horse he is. While summarizing his looks I was able to decode one styling mantra that he uses to a great advantage and so can you now.....and that is LAYERING!

Layering works equally well for both Him and Her; it just gives you that extra special feeling of being dressed-up when you want and the flexibility to dress-down at will. So always keep a layering piece in mind, it could be a jacket, a vest, a shrug or even a stole....whatever works for you, while putting your look together. Start doing that and your style quotient will improve and so would your self-esteem. Try it out and let me know if it works!

Meanwhile here's celebrating Parfum Dellic and his style!

Parfum Dellic

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