Monday 9 June 2014

Street Style Diaries Mumbai- Rustam Chauhan

Monday 9 June 2014

I saw Rustam at an event a while ago and as usual he was well turned out in his cool casuals, his groomed full mo-beard and vintage shaped specs.

Normally military fatigues are hard to combine with casual plaids but Rustam's pairing is an exception and it totally works.

He wears this plaid shirt buttoned down and sleeves folded up, in powdered pastel shades of blues and reds, touted to be in the color palette for the coming season with an almost black overdyed military fatigue patterned pair of fitted trousers with interesting seam details. The lace-up boat shoes in brown suede and florescent green add a dash of color to his ensemble. Rustam Chauhan in military fatigue pants, plaid shirt and boat shoes

Rustam Chauhan

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