Thursday, 19 December 2013

Five Days Five Looks One Pal- Prasad Ramamurthy : Formal Work Wear

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Day 3 of the 'five day five looks one pal' Prasad Ramamurthy steps out for an editorial meeting at work, not the usual bow-tie affair but he makes it one.

Its 10:55 am and the meeting is in five: but Prasad is all cool, calm and collected not mention his savvy best in his Official meeting attire. He wears a textured white crisp cotton dress shirt with a narrow stiff collar, a two button single-breasted jacket in black; a plaid trouser in a slim, straight fit(both his own creations),  and a black velvet bow-tie.Prasad also happens to own a line of clothing which he designs for his close friends. 

I love the choice of Prince-of-Wales plaids in subtle grey with a pop of blue and red for the trousers which has such an English heritage feel and gentlemanly air.  Keeping up with his sartorial choices Prasad's bow-tie with a collared shirt look adds to his personal style aura.

Prasad dares to step off the beaten path of formal dressing and chose a whole lot of textures yet it all becomes coherent and in unison. The shoes are formal, yet to add his to quirks and personal touch Prasad chose to wear them sans socks yet again.

I love the choice of Prince-of-Wales plaids in subtle grey with a pop of blue and red for the trousers

Prasad dares to step off the beaten path of formal dressing

The shoes are formal, yet to add his to quirks

Prasad Ramamurthy

Jacket- My own
Shirt- My own
Trousers - My own
Shoes - Zara
Bow tie  - Zara

1 comment:

  1. great pair of trousers, great look altogether!
    cant help but notice the two pigeons in a love banter by the window....;)


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