Friday, 15 November 2013

Street Style Diaries Mumbai - Nikhil

Friday, 15 November 2013

Nikhil caught my attention amidst a friendly banter, chilling out with a group of his friends, enjoying every sip of his cutting chai. 

He wears this singlet in a grey melange with an over-sized shirt over a pair of multi-pocket drop crotch pants. The orange Dastar (turban), thick rimmed black frames on his eyes, a horn earring. The camouflage patterned waist-pouch and a pair of aged high-top red converse add color to his appearance.

There is something quite Rastafarian about Nikhil's personality, think reggae music and Bob Marley, and its not too hard to imagine dreadlocks under the uniquely tied orange turban. 

I have always admired cultural uniqueness in attire that every part of this country brings and appreciate it when someone balances tradition and modernity, Nikhil does that!

 There is something quite Rastafarian about Nikhil's personality

Nikhil  runs a small Kitchen called "Parronthe" off Carter road.


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