Friday 23 August 2013

How to DIY- Add the bling Women.

Friday 23 August 2013

I bought these awesome pair of gold heels a couple of years back and wore them everywhere till the top layer started coming off. 
I was not ready to part with them yet since they were still in pretty good shape.
So here's what I did.
Bought spikes, roll of stitched in sequins and fevibond. All I needed the were a pair of scissors.

Scissors, Adhesive and Sequin Strip

I tried variations first and then finally measured the distance. Cutting up the strips and gluing the spikes was the easy and fun part.

A closeup

Love the black tones

And here they are all shiny and new. Ready to go out?;-))

Finished Product

Another pair that needed a bit love and care.

My favourite pair

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