Monday, 6 February 2012

The Best Dressed

Monday, 6 February 2012

The best dressed

The First Ladies of the US have always been dressed by the designers based out of their country. Here is an archived tour of some of the dresses worn by Jacky Kennedy View gallery here . The monarchs/ politicians and diplomats of various other nations are groomed and put their best dressed self forward when representing their respective country.

Don’t you think it’s time we dressed the representatives of our countries with our best?

We do employ the designers to style our Miss India to Miss Universe, Miss World and Miss Earth; why not the other representatives?

While witnessing the grand Republic day parade I realized that our President was wrapped in a beautiful sari with an inconspicuous scarf on her head under a pallu over her head. Maybe it’s time our reputed designers stepped up and gave the powerful a make-over for the better.

India is poised to become a nation to reckon with, a rising nation. We have to present ourselves better. Be it vocally or through our presence. Its time all the politicians, diplomats are groomed while representing our nation on the global platforms.

Another positive outcome would be promoting Indian Fashion Industry which is still struggling to gain a foothold on International platforms.

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Know Them?

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Know them?

At another big glamorous retail space, it was quite exhilarating to notice that while some make a conscious effort to dress up for the glorious occasion to come and shop in an upscale brand while others (who are very few) just didn’t care. Ones that do dress up know better, that they have a reputation to live up to, shopping in an upscale store. Others just came to get a glimpse of the fascinating world, hoping to be part of it someday.

In such scenarios I always put on my observers hat to weave my web of stories in my head. It actually comes quite naturally to spot the out of towner’s, the fashionistas, the wannabe fashionistas and the ones who just came to get anything that fits the budget from the big international brand.

If clothes were just to cover a body why did people lay so much of stress on dressing up a part and playing it? It would be shallow to try and read people from the way they dress but the footfalls to the store would tell you a different story.

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

If she can, so can I!

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

If she can, so can I!

In my previous post I might sound a bit irrational to suggest, “To understand people, decode their choice of clothing”. But in my defense, when I look at a passer-by, I may notice a whole lot of things but strangely enough end up remembering what he/she wore, how they wore it and boy did they look good wearing it! The rest, just dismiss!

My recent trip to a mall; where a certain international brand was on sale, I realized something peculiar, quite extraordinary. In a space cramped with last season’s best fashionable items on sale and brimming full with people in a hurry to get their size before anyone else,  I caught quite a few glancing at others from tip to toe, sometimes in admiration; at times, well in a frown!

The story of the decoding thus took shape. Armed with personal experience, I started to read the glances thrown towards others from time to time. If you spot a head turner you draw inspiration, admire (mind you, not expressing it at all in any way), add a mental note of look; file away in the corner of your head for later reference. If you notice a laggard you file away a note what not-to-wear and how not-to-wear. I always have caught women checking out others seeking clues to how, why and where? How did she think of dressing up like that? Why did she dress up like that? And where did she get that? Finally the eternal question; if she can, I can, Can I?

In all honesty and devoid of any narcissism I have often come across women acquaintances/friends who have at times (well I would like to say always but in the spirit of modesty) taken my clothes and styling as references and flattered me with an identical representation of myself. There has been no mention or dedication or an ode to the originator ever. Such is the world of an urban woman.

Well as I said if she can so can I.

Saturday, 21 January 2012

Do we choose who we are?

Saturday, 21 January 2012

Do we choose who we are?

Encouraged by my better half to share my perspective brought on the beginning of a new journey. This blog is dedicated to him.

I often wonder if we choose who we are everyday or do situations really make us? Just like our choice of clothing every day? Some say it’s their mood that dictates their choices. Some hide behind their garb and best yet some dress to play a part.

I for one believe if I choose who I am then I have to make choices everyday starting with what to wear to the mood I carry with me all day around.

I don't judge the ones who choose what they wear but if I come across someone who has put in thoughts behind their clothes I am intrigued. I start spinning my web of imagination around the personality. Somehow the story leads to me wonder if the people are reflecting what they are wearing, is by choice or an attempt to hide who they are.

So do we choose who we are or are we a product of our situations, led by our choices or a representation of our future? The clues are in choice of clothes; only if we can decode them.

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